Critical Prayer Topic- State Governors
Hello, Prayer Warriors!
As I write this blog, the Coronavirus has claimed 200,000 deaths worldwide. Untold hundreds of thousands are in or have been in, a fight for their lives.
Here in the USA, our governors are in crisis. They have the critical task of making life and death decisions for the thousands of people in their states. Each individual governor must find a way through this disaster in the best way possible while keeping multiple factors in constant view.
Let us intercede for them this week in focused prayer. Pray that the governor of your state calls out to God for supernatural direction. Pray that he or she will be saved if unsaved. Let them know that you are praying for, if possible.
Pray that God will lead you personally in relation to the civil compliance restrictions that your state is requiring. Pray for your brothers and sisters in overly restricted areas.
Please continue to pray for President Trump, Congress, and the Medical Team that are leading in decision making as well. Pray that God's hand will be in our highly unusual election process this year.
As a national prayer group, we will focus on each of these people and groups in future weeks, but keep them lifted up in intense prayer every day.
Continue to rise up strongly as a prayer warrior and intercessor in these days. Determine to increase your prayer and fasting practices by several degrees! Continue to pray that revival will break out in our cities and states.
If you are in one of the "hot zones", or if you are actually ill from the COVID-19 virus, please know that the prayer warriors from all 50 states are holding you up in prayer. We are praying for your protection from the virus and for your recovery if you are experiencing symptoms or have a positive diagnosis. Please let us know by email if you have specific needs in this area. We will not release your email information, but with permission, we will place your name or name substitute on our office prayer wall. Send to [email protected]