Hello fellow prayer warriors! Today we will continue to pray for our beautiful country one state at a time by lifting up the great state of Arizona in prayer!!! Arizona is home to almost 7 million people! Let's lift these wonderful people of Arizona up to the Lord in prayer today! He loves each and every one of them!!! Let's also lift up their cities by name! Some of their largest cities include their capital city of Phoenix as well as the cities of Tucson, Mesa, and Chandler. God can move on behalf of a city! I encourage you to get out a map and pray over the cities of Arizona by name! God hears our prayers! We will also be lifting up the leaders of this lovely state today - Governor Doug Ducey, Senator John McCain, and Senator Jeff Flake. Here is a link with the names of the members of the House of Representatives for the state of Arizona so you can pray for them by name as well. Thank you so much for joining in prayer with us! God bless you! God bless Arizona! And God bless America! https://www.house.gov/representatives/#state_az