Today I would like to ask you to continue to pray for the United States of America with me!!! One state at a time! Yesterday we lifted up the beautiful state of Alaska to the Lord! Today I would like to focus our prayers on Washington state! Washington state is the home of 7,288,000 people! Let's lift them up to the Lord today! Some of their biggest cities include Seattle, Spokane, and Tacoma! Their capital city is Olympia. Let's lift these cities (and others) up to the Lord by name today! I encourage you to look at a map while praying for this state and lift the different cities up by name. Let's reclaim them for the Lord! Also, let's lift up their leaders by name: Governor Jay Inslee, Senator Patty Murray, and Senator Maria Cantwell. Also, here is a link if you would like to pray for the members of the House by name. God bless! And thank you for praying with me!!! God bless America and God bless Washington state!